Recent government reports & non-profit surveys have disclosed that contact to toxin and chemicals found in typical cleaning stuff can source reproductive issues, lung problems, and different types of cancer.
One most important place for exposure to cleaning is chemicals is the office. If you’re longing for a green & clean office, here are a few tips you need to keep in mind.
Quick-fix can be risky: Don’t make frequent use of air fresheners & fabric protection sprays since they hold chemicals associated to endocrine system problems, like reproductive issues.
Replace harmful cleaning agents with natural products: For DIY office cleaning projects, there’re several common household stuff that can be employed to clean surfaces & deal with extreme odors. These include cooking oil, lemon, baking soda, and vinegar among others.
Give high priority to air quality: A recent study exposed hat hazardous chemicals in standard cleaning agents are 3 times more likely to cause cancer compared to outdoor air. Furthermore, frequent contact to other risky compounds has been associated to cancer & mesothelioma. Ensure your commercial cleaning unit in Honolulu has the supplies ti inspect HVAC/ventilation systems & control the air quality.
Cautiously examine the label of your cleaning product: Even though just 7 percent of cleaning items adequately reveal their list of constituents, some do disclose risky chemicals on the container. Ensure to ignore cleaning items that hold hazardous chemicals such as formaldehyde, chemical surfacants and pathalates.
Make sure your cleaning unit is employing latest cleaning technology: Professional commercial cleaning services in Honolulu these are emphasize on using high quality cleaning equipment. Technological advancements,such as sprayer nozzles that decrease chemical discharges, are making a huge difference. Make sure the cleaning unit you have hired have all the latest technology to provide a safe and green cleaning option.
Hire a cleaning company that value great health and environment: Put your faith on a cleaning unit that emphasizes on using safe and eco-friendly cleaning products and equipment. Ensure they work with you comprehend your particular requirements.
Find eco-friendly commercial cleaning services in Honolulu at KLEENPRO Hawaii. We clean everything that is dusty and stained. To schedule an appointment, contact us at (808)679-6873!
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