Paint stains can be one of the most challenging stains to remove from the carpet fiber. Whether you’re redecorating or doing art during your free time, it’s common to allow a few flecks of paint to fly. You shouldn’t get yourself angry about it. Go through this post and how you can remove the paint stains from your carpet easily.
What type of paint you’re using?
Different paints have different removal techniques. So, the first thing you should do is to know the type of paint you’re using. If you don’t know, please look at the container it came in.
How do you remove water-based paint stains from the carpet?
If you’ve used water-based paint, you should try and lift away the paint from the carpet. For this purpose, you can use a dull knife or an old credit card. When the stain is fresh, you should never rub them as it will cause it to bond further with the carpet. It will make the removal extremely difficult.
Try to lift away as much stain as possible and after that, blot away the remaining stain. You can use a clean rag or paper towel to blot away the stain. Change the blotting area when the paint starts lifting until the stain is gone completely.
What to do with dry stains?
Want to remove dry paint stains? First of all, you need to constitute the paint again. Take a bowl and mix hot water and a small amount of detergent in it to prepare a solution. Get an old bristles brush, typically a toothbrush. Dip the brush in the solution and apply it to the dry stain gently. Leave it to sit for around five minutes.
After that, you can use the above-discussed tips for water-based paint. The only additional thing you need to do is to vacuum the area once the stain’s removed. It’s necessary to ensure the removal of loose paint particles.
What to do with oil-based paint stains?
If you’ve used oil-based paint stains, the removal process is more or less the same no matter whether it’s wet or dry. Still, you want to try and lift the stains by using a dull knife in both cases. If the stain is dry, you’ll scrap more than lift. Once you’re done, start blotting the stained area to get away stains as much as possible from the carpet.
The next tip you need to do when the stain is blotted and vacuumed is to apply a solvent. Check the paint container and know the right one to use. Once you know the solvent, dip the clean rag in it and apply it to the stain. You need to move to the clean rag area as the color gets transferred during blotting.
Then, you should clean the stained area. For cleaning, you can mix hot water and a small amount of detergent. Work on the stain with an old toothbrush which is dipped in the solution. You can vacuum the stain to get rid of any paint flakes that have been left.
Do these tips sound daunting? Having stressed about cleaning your carpet in Honolulu? Don’t worry; simply call Honolulu carpet cleaners at KleenPro LLC and we can give your carpet a neat and clean look it deserves. If you need to know more about our carpet cleaning process, feel free to contact us today at (808)679-6873.